Green Spring Pool Cleaning To Get The Algae Out And Clear Up Water Before Opening

Posted on: 22 September 2020

The winter months are a time when the pool in your backyard gets neglected. Your pool can turn green with algae, which is going to need to be cleaned up to open your pool for summer. There are things to do to get the water cleared up before opening, and you want to get a head start on removing the green scum. The following green spring pool cleaning guide will help you get the water in your pool cleared up before summer.

Removing debris and the cover before starting—Over the winter months, debris can fall and build upon the cover. This is some of the debris that you want to make sure stays out of your pool. Start your pool cleaning by removing the debris that has fallen on the cover and then carefully remove the cover, trying to prevent anything from falling in the water. The debris falling in the water can make it more difficult to get your pool clean, clear, and free of any green algae growth.

Fishing out large objects and debris—There is going to be debris that finds its way into the water, even if you are carefully removing the cover. Therefore, there is going to be work to do cleaning out any objects and large debris before you begin circulating water through the filter. Use a large net for fishing out any objects and larger debris—remove any debris that can block the plumbing, pump, or filter.

Backwashing and preparing the pool pump—Once you have started with cleaning and removed all of the largest objects and debris, you will be able to start the pump and filter. Before starting the pump, make sure that there are not any leaks and backwash the filter. The filter needs to be repeatedly backwashed until the water becomes cleaner and a little cloudy. Once the water seems to be getting clean, change the filter medium and continue circulating water through the pump.

Finishing the cleaning and shocking the pool—The cleaning will need to be continued as you begin to treat the water. Once the water starts to get clearer, you will want to add a chlorine shock treatment. The treatment is going to raise the chlorine level to kill off any organisms and get your pool ready for swimming. Shocking the water in your pool is part of maintenance that needs to be done throughout the summer—especially after heavy use and hot weather.

These are things that you can do to get the green algae in your pool cleared up by summer. Call a pool cleaning service for help finishing up the cleaning and maintenance that needs to be done for a summer opening.
