Signs That It's Time for Pool Repair

Posted on: 1 April 2024

A backyard pool offers boundless joy and relaxation for your family. Yet, like all things, pools require consistent upkeep and occasional repairs to ensure they remain in pristine condition. In this blog post, we will discuss some common signs that indicate it may be time for pool repair.


One of the most obvious signs that your pool may need repair is a leak. If you notice that your pool water levels are dropping faster than usual, there may be a leak somewhere in the pool structure. Leaks can occur in the walls, floors, or plumbing system of the pool and should be addressed promptly to prevent further damage. A professional pool repair technician can locate and fix the leak quickly to ensure that your pool remains in good working order.


Cracks in the walls or floor of your pool are another indication that it may be time for repair. Cracks not only detract from the appearance of your pool but can also compromise its structural integrity. A qualified pool repair specialist can assess the extent of the damage and recommend the best course of action to repair any cracks and prevent future issues.

Equipment Malfunctions

If you notice that your pool equipment is not functioning properly, it may be a sign that repairs are needed. Faulty equipment can lead to poor water circulation, inadequate filtration, and inconsistent water temperature – all of which can impact the safety and enjoyment of your pool. A professional technician can diagnose any issues with your equipment and make any necessary repairs or replacements to keep your pool running smoothly.

Algae Growth

Excessive algae growth in your pool water can indicate an underlying issue that requires attention. Algae thrive in warm, stagnant water with low chlorine levels – conditions that may result from poor filtration or inadequate chemical balance in your pool. If you notice an increase in algae growth despite regular maintenance efforts, it may be time to have your pool inspected by a professional. Addressing any underlying issues promptly will help prevent further algae growth and ensure that your pool remains clean and safe for swimming.

Aging Pool Surface

As pools age, their surfaces can become worn or damaged due to exposure to chemicals, sunlight, and regular use. A deteriorating surface not only looks unsightly but can also pose safety risks for swimmers. If you notice peeling plaster, chipping tiles, or rough spots on the surface of your pool, it may be time for repair or resurfacing. A professional pool technician can assess the condition of your pool surface and recommend the best course of action to restore its appearance and functionality.

Keeping an eye out for these common signs of trouble can help you address potential issues with your pool before they escalate into major problems. Contact a company like Aquapro Pool & Chemical Service to learn more. 
