Caring For An In-Ground Pool: Avoid These Common Mistakes

Posted on: 13 January 2021

Whether you've recently purchased a home with an in-ground pool or are looking to have one installed on your existing property, the fact remains that in-ground pools require constant care and maintenance. A well-maintained pool will retain its value over time and will be more enjoyable for you and your loved ones to use. Unfortunately, there are many common mistakes that in-ground pool owners make when it comes to basic care and maintenance.

Using Chlorine Pucks or Tablets

Chlorine is an important pool chemical that you'll probably need to add to your pool water at least once a week, if not more often. When it comes to buying chlorine, you have options to choose from, ranging from liquid chlorine to tablets and pucks.

In general, you shouldn't use chlorine pucks and tablets in an in-ground pool unless you have something to float them in. This is especially true if your in-ground pool has a vinyl liner, as these tablets will sink to the bottom of the pool and can cause discoloration or damage to the liner. Tablets and pucks also don't absorb as readily as liquid chlorine.

Adding Chemicals at the Wrong Time

Believe it or not, there is a "right" and a "wrong" time to add chemicals to your pool water. For maximum effectiveness, pool chemicals (including chlorine) should be added during the evening hours. Adding chemicals while the sun is high means those chemicals may end up being evaporated from the water before they have a chance to work their magic.

Failing to Test Your Water Regularly

Pool water test strips are inexpensive and are the easiest way to determine when your water's chemical balance is off. Ideally, you should be testing your pool water at least once a day and adding chemicals as needed. Failing to test your water regularly can lead to a chemical imbalance that is difficult to recover from and may also increase the risk of algae spores or other more complex issues.

Assuming a Professional Pool Service Is Out of Your Budget

Hiring a pool service can be a great way to keep your pool maintained without having to lift a finger. All too often, pool owners assume that they'll save a lot of money by handling pool maintenance themselves. In reality, the time and hassle you save by hiring a professional can be more than worth the cost. And of course, a pool cleaning service will keep your in-ground pool in great shape so you can avoid expensive issues later on.

To learn more about in-ground pools, contact a contractor.
